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Hyper-Converged Ceph Cluster Deployment

The following instructions will set up Ceph storage as a block provider for your OKD cluster. You will then create a PVC for the OKD image registry, and modify the image registry to use the PVC for persistence.

Ideally, you need a full cluster for this deployment; 3 master and 3 worker nodes. Additionally, you need to give the worker nodes a second disk that will be used by Ceph. I have provided an example guest_inventory file at ./Provisioning/guest_inventory/okd4_ceph. You can do this with a minimal cluster of just 3 master/worker nodes, but you may need to add RAM to avoid constraints.

Follow these steps to deploy a Ceph cluster:

  1. From the root directory of this project, grab and modify the files that are prepared for you.

    mkdir -p ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph
    cp ./Ceph/* ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph
    sed -i "s|%%LAB_DOMAIN%%|${LAB_DOMAIN}|g" ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/cluster.yaml

    The Ceph installation files were taken from and modified for this tutorial.

    Note: If you do not have worker nodes, then you will need to modify the cluster.yml file to use your master nodes.

  2. Now, we need to label our worker nodes so that Ceph knows where to deploy. If you look at the cluster.yml file, you will see the nodeAffinity configuration.

    Note: As before, if you do not have dedicated worker nodes, then replace worker with master below.

    for i in 0 1 2
      oc label nodes okd4-worker-${i}.${LAB_DOMAIN} role=storage-node
  3. Create the Ceph Operator:

    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/crds.yaml
    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/common.yaml
    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/operator-openshift.yaml

    Wait for the Operator pods to completely deploy before executing the next step.

  4. Deploy the Ceph cluster:

    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/cluster.yaml

    This will take a while to complete.

    It is finished when you see all of the rook-ceph-osd-prepare-okd4-worker... pods in a Completed state.

    oc get pods -n rook-ceph

Now, let’s create a PVC for the Image Registry.

  1. First, we need a Storage Class for our new Ceph block strage provisioner:

    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/ceph-storage-class.yml
  2. Now create the PVC:

    oc apply -f ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/ceph/registry-pvc.yml
  3. Make sure that the PVC gets bound to a new PV:

    oc get pvc -n openshift-image-registry

    You should see output similar to:

    NAME           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
    registry-pvc   Bound    pvc-bcee4ccd-aa6e-4c8c-89b0-3f8da1c17df0   100Gi      RWO            rook-ceph-block   4d17h
  4. Finally, patch the imageregistry operator to use the PVC that you just created:

    If you previously added emptyDir as a storage type to the Registry, you need to remove it first:

    oc patch cluster --type json -p '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/storage/emptyDir" }]'

    Now patch it to use the new PVC:

    oc patch cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"rolloutStrategy":"Recreate","managementState":"Managed","storage":{"pvc":{"claim":"registry-pvc"}}}}'
  5. If you want to designate your new storage class as the default storage class, the do the following:

    oc patch storageclass rook-ceph-block -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'

You just created a Ceph cluster and bound your image registry to a Persistent Volume!