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Nginx Config & RPM Repository Synch

We are going to install the Nginx HTTP server and configure it to serve up all of the RPM packages that we need to build our guest VMs.

We’ll use the reposync command to copy RPM repository contents from remote mirrors into our Nginx server.

We are also going to copy the CentOS minimal install ISO into our Nginx server.

We need to open firewall ports for HTTP/S so that we can access our Nginx server:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Install and start Nginx:

dnf -y install nginx
systemctl enable nginx --now

RPM Repository Mirror

Create directories to hold all of the RPMs:

mkdir -p ${REPO_PATH}/{baseos,appstream,extras,epel-modular,epel,powertools}

Synch the repositories into the directories we just created: (This will take a while)

LOCAL_REPOS="baseos appstream extras epel epel-modular powertools"
    reposync -m --repoid=${REPO} --newest-only --delete --download-metadata -p ${REPO_PATH}/  

Our Nginx server is now ready to serve up CentOS RPMs.

To refresh your RPM repositories, run the above script again, or better yet, create a cron job to run it periodically.

Host installation, FCOS & CentOS

Now, we are going to set up the artifacts for host installation. This will include FCOS via ignition, and CentOS via kickstart.

mkdir -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}/{centos,fcos,fcos/ignition,firstboot,kickstart,hostconfig,postinstall}

Create encrypted passwords to be used in your KVM host and Guest installations:

mkdir -p ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}
openssl passwd -1 'guest-root-password' > ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/lab_guest_pw
openssl passwd -1 'host-root-password' > ${OKD4_LAB_PATH}/lab_host_pw


  1. Deploy the Minimal ISO files.

    Download the CentOS Stream install files from a mirror:

    wget -m -np -nH --cut-dirs=5 -P ${INSTALL_ROOT}/centos
  2. Deploy the files from this project for supporting kickstart installation.

    Make a temporary work space:

    mkdir tmp-work

    Prep the install files from this project:

    cp -rf ./Provisioning/guest_install/postinstall ./tmp-work
    sed -i "s|%%REPO_URL%%|${REPO_URL}|g" ./tmp-work/postinstall/local-repos.repo
    sed -i "s|%%LAB_NAMESERVER%%|${LAB_NAMESERVER}|g" ./tmp-work/postinstall/chrony.conf

    Copy your public SSH key

    cat ~/.ssh/ > ./tmp-work/postinstall/authorized_keys

    Copy the prepared files into place

    scp -r ./tmp-work/postinstall root@${INSTALL_HOST}:${INSTALL_ROOT}
    rm -rf ./tmp-work


  1. In a browser, go to:
  2. Make sure you are on the stable Stream, select the Bare Metal & Virtualized tab, and make note of the current version.

    FCOS Download Page

  3. Set the FCOS version as a variable. For example:

  4. Set the FCOS_STREAM variable to stable or testing to match the stream that you are pulling from.

  5. Download the FCOS images for iPXE booting:

    mkdir /tmp/fcos
    curl -o /tmp/fcos/vmlinuz${FCOS_STREAM}/builds/${FCOS_VER}/x86_64/fedora-coreos-${FCOS_VER}-live-kernel-x86_64
    curl -o /tmp/fcos/initrd${FCOS_STREAM}/builds/${FCOS_VER}/x86_64/fedora-coreos-${FCOS_VER}-live-initramfs.x86_64.img
    curl -o /tmp/fcos/rootfs.img${FCOS_STREAM}/builds/${FCOS_VER}/x86_64/fedora-coreos-${FCOS_VER}-live-rootfs.x86_64.img
    scp -r /tmp/fcos root@${INSTALL_HOST}:${INSTALL_ROOT}
    rm -rf /tmp/fcos

Now, continue on to DHCP Setup